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Home Grown Lumber
230 Heath Rd
Center Conway, NH 03813 (USA)

Phone: (603) 447-3800

Fax: (603) 447-1240

Email: homegrownlumber@roadrunner.com

Website: http://www.homegrownlumber.com

(NH) specializes in milling Red, White & Bull Pine Flooring up to 14" wide & 16' long. Our mill also has 3" thick White Pine and Maple kiln dried slabs that are up to 36" wide and 16' long. Some other products we make are Shiplap, V-Match, V-Groove, Rough Boards and Beams, Stair Treds and planed kiln dried boards.

Keywords: beams, pine flooring, rough lumber, Shiplap, Solid Kiln Dried Slabs, stair treds, V-Groove, V-Match,

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