[logo] www.New-England-Contractor.com

We have a simple privacy policy...

  1. Assume nothing you do on the internet is private. All ISPs, hosting companies, web servers and other parts of the internet log everything.
  2. We do not share, sell or otherwise reuse any information about visitors to this site except as required by law.
  3. We use Google Ads and other 3rd party services that do collect, resell and reuse information about visitors to this (and any other) website using their services.

Information we collect:

If you create an account on this website, we collect and store all the information you provide which also relates to specific data such as:

a. web server logs - these logs store the remote IP address and information about the user's web browser and other internet software.

b. email - if you send us email we will probably keep it forever.

c. information submitted in forms - if you fill out a form, the information may go directly to a database, but it will also likely generate an email that is sent to our server administrator, support staff or others associated with the website. As mentioned above, we try to keep email forever.

d. search - if you search for something on our website, we store remote IP, date, time and other info about the browser in our search logs. (Search will also generate a web server log record).

How We Use Information We Collect and Store

We use the information to improve the website and to generate statistics on number of visitors, pages viewed, duration on site, path through site, keyword and key phrase searches, etc.

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