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Construction Lawyers

Find a lawyer with experience in construction and contract law.

Davis & Boghigian - Firm focuses on real estate, construction and contract law including leases, mortgages, property tax appeals and zoning variances.... [read more].

Desmond, Strang & Scott, LLP - full service business law firm with a large construction practice. DS&S represents construction suppliers, contractors and owners through all forms of dispute resolution, including bid protests, mediation, arbitration and trial, for both residential and commercial projects.... [read more].

Hatem & Donovan P.C. - practice focused on litigation concerning architectural, engineering and construction malpractice, bid errors, real estate and related contract law.... [read more].

Law Office of Andrea Goldman - Litigation attorney focusing on construction, contractor, homeowner, business and other real estate related disputes. Atty. Goldman is available to draft or review construction related contracts and for business planning services. Atty. Goldman is fluent in Spanish and French, and can provide legal services to international clients in their native language.... [read more].

Massachusetts Lawyers & Legal Services Directory - extensive directory of Mass. Lawyer and legal services includes many listings for firms practicing in the construction and building / contracting area.... [read more].

Nelson, Kinder, Mosseau, & Saturley PC - NKMS maintains a group of Attorneys who specialize in legal matters related to the construction industry. Attorney Michael T. McInerny is the head of the group. Firm has ability to represent clients for large projects ranging from subway systems to office towers, municipal waste treatment and power plants. Firms keeps abreast of NH and MA states laws... [read more].

Sally & Fitch LLP - Boston-based attorneys who have represented owners of major building projects, homeowners, general contractors and subcontractors. They have also helped many clients successfully resolve their disputes that often arise in construction cases. Sophisticated website with tons of links for every need!... [read more].

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