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Contractors Benefit from Builder's Slump

September 14, 2007 (7:03 am EST)
Filed under: Residential Contracting by News Staff

When Bad News is Good News

New England contractors who deal primarily with new construction may be feeling the pinch as the new housing market drys up in some parts of the six state, (ME, NH, VT, MA, CT and RI), region.

Besides counting people and where they live, the U.S. Census Bureau also keeps track of home many privately owned new housing units are being built.

By collecting data on building permits, (when they are approved and when they are completed), the bureau can paint of good picture of how many and where new homes in the U.S. are being built.

The bad news? In New England states, new building starts are ...[read more]

Contractors Make Money Saving Energy

September 10, 2007 (7:18 am EST)
Filed under: Commercial Contracting by News Staff
LOGO - U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is a Washington based non-profit which developed the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System.

N.E. Business Double Savings over Last Year

Contractors have a unique opportunity to help property owners save money and help the environment.

Green is sweeping into construction in many ways. While some green building practices simply help the environment by reducing the need for raw plant materials, and others offer reductions in carbon footprint for individuals, commercial building contractors are in the unique position to go green on a large scale.

An article in the wall street Journal notes, "In New England, businesses this year have agreed to cut electricity use by 1,222 megawatts when called upon, twice as much as last year."

There are many ways to save energy. The bigger the building, the more to save -- and the more ways to save.

While insulation is almost always the first thing New England contractors

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