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House Painting Services - (MA) interior or exterior painting services for your home, apartment or offices.... [read more].

Idea Painting Company - specializes in Boston area commercial painting, including businesses, apartments / condos, interior painting and kitchen cabinet refinishing. OSHA / LEAD Certified, painting sub-contractor for General Contractors.... [read more].

Island Painting Company - interior and exterior painting for commercial and residential clients in Massachusetts.... [read more].

Kuhn Painting - Interior, exterior, residential and commercial painting. Established in 1964. Serving greater Boston area towns. RRP certified. Registered MA Home Improvement Contractor, (HIC #165147). Fully insured. BBB member. Painting and Decorating Contractors of America member since 1965. Our goal is to have every customer 100 percent satisfied. We do the most complete preparation possible, and use the finest... [read more].

Legacy Painting - full-service environmentally responsible exterior and interior painting company. Commercial, residential. Wood refinishing, historical restoration, home preservation. Serving central, southern, and eastern Massachusetts, central and southern New Hampshire. Fully insured. Registered Massachusetts Home Improvement Contractor (Reg. #11885).... [read more].

Mass Painters - interior and exterior painting residential and commercial properties in the Metrowest, MA and greater Boston area.... [read more].

McDonagh Painting - Serving Boston, Boston-metro and Central Massachusetts. High-end residential and commercial painting. Specializing in historical painting, restoration and wood finishing. Interiors and Exteriors. Over 25 years of experience. Professional, prompt, quality service.... [read more].

New England Painting Company - commercial and residential painting and restoration saince 1971.... [read more].

New England Professional Painting Co. - We offer the finest in professional painting and wallpaper services in New England. From faux finishes,popcorn ceiling applications and ceramic tile to brush, roll, and spray applications. We serve general contractors,property managers,retail(malls),industrial(factories), and private homeowners. Multi-unit developments,rehab& repaint projects,restorations,and single family homes. NE Pro Painting Co. is a trusted name in the painting industry when quality workmanship... [read more].

New Englands Finest Painting - full service painting contractor, owner operated. Interior/exterior. Residential and commercial.... [read more].

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